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        Meet Mrs.Knight

Wanda Knight, M.Ed, B.A.
Title: English  Instructor, AP Language and English III CP
SC Virtual School Program
Office of e-Learning
Division of School Effectiveness
SC State Department of Education
1401 Senate St.
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 864-723-2444 (Office)
Skype: wknight054

Education: Mrs. Knight holds a BA in English Ed. and psychology from Southern Wesleyan University and a Master's in Educational Leadership and Administration from Clemson University. ​


About Your Teacher: Mrs. Knight has over seventeen years experience in high school education. She taught thirteen years at Seneca High School in Oconee County, SC, earning numerous awards including Teacher of the Year, WYFF Golden Apple, and Most Influential Teacher. Upon leaving Oconee, Mrs. Knight worked with Greenville County’s virtual program and SCVCS, designing curriculum and facilitating the English courses.

Family: My two sons are avid musicians. Bradley is an orchestrator/arranger and pianist at Prestonwood Church in Dallas, Texas, a Nashville studio musician, and recently became one of the orchestrators for Courageous, a movie, which was released in September. Mr. & Mrs. Knight are blessed with five grandchildren--two are adopted from Uganda) and a beautiful daughter-in-law, Holly. My youngest, Christopher, is the drummer for Leanne Rimes and a Nashville studio musician. He will is married to beautiful, Jennifer.  Danny, my husband, serves as a Minister of Music. As you can see, music flows in our veins.... We are so blessed!

  Office Hours:

Monday & Tuesday  8 AM until 5 PM​

Wednesday 8 AM until 7 PM

Thursday 3:30 PM until 8 PM

Friday 8 AM until 12 Noon

 Call Mrs Knight, and she will return the call within twenty-four hours if you leave a clear message, a name, and a topic for the call.

   Contact Your Facilitator

​ *Email through the  VSA (Virtual School Prog)

​​ *Skype (wknight054) or call 864-723-2444



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